3 Core Principles
To carry out their mission, AOK Networks (1) strengthen their capacity as a Network, (2) enhance coordination of cross-sector service delivery, and (3) improve the system of services and supports so it works for families. AOK Networks work with 3 sets of principles to guide practice and behavior in each of these areas.
Community Engagement

The following principles help AOK Network partners increase their capacity to work well together.
People support what they create.
People act most responsibly when they care.
Conversation is the way humans have always thought together. In conversation we discover shared meanings.
To change the conversation change who is in the conversation.
Expect leadership to come from anywhere.
Focusing on what’s working gives us energy and creativity. Ask what’s possible, not what’s wrong.
The wisdom resides within us.
Everything is a failure in the middle. Change occurs in cycles.
Learning is the only way we become smarter about what we do.
Meaningful work is a powerful human motivator.
Humans can handle anything as long as we’re together.
Generosity, forgiveness, and love, these are the most important elements in a community.
Source: Margaret Wheatley and Nancy Margulies
Systems Building

These system building principles guide AOK Network partners in building a comprehensive, system of services and supports that increases families’ satisfaction with the system while improving service access, quality, equity, and capacity.
Proactive: The system promotes the growth and well being of all young children.
Holistic: The system is comprehensive and addresses the full range of a young child’s developmental needs.
Inclusive: The system integrates all community services for pregnant women, young children, and their parents/caregivers.
Strength-based: The system builds upon the strengths of families.
Culturally sensitive: The system is respectful and sensitive to the diverse needs of families.
User-friendly: The system is voluntary as well as easy to access and use.
Family involved: Families are involved in the development of the system.
Coordinated: Services are aligned and connected so that families can easily access services across typical service domains.
Outcomes-based: The system improves outcomes.
Cooperative: Development of the system is a cooperative, community effort.
Source: Unknown